Early Music
Jacques Arcadelt: Three-Voiced Chansons
Amour ha pouvoir
La pastorella mia
Dieu Inconstant
Mon coeur en moy
Nous voyons que les hommes
Si ce n’est amour
J.S. Bach/arr. Galloway: Sinfonias
Giovanni da Firenze: Caccia, con brachi assai
LĂ©onin: Viderunt omnes
Hans Sachs: Meistersinger Melody, Gesangweise
20th Century
Maurice Bardin: Sonatine en Trio
Leslie Bassett: Trio for Brass Instruments
Marius Flothius: Sonatina
Arthur Frackenpohl: Brass Trio
Frigyes Hidas: Triga
Alan Hovhaness: Fantasy Nos. I, II, III
David Loeb: Trasimeno (1985)
David Loeb: Cantata senza Voci (1998)
Robert Marek: Trio for Brass Instruments
Arthur Meulemans: Trio
Anthony Plog: Trio for Brass (1996)
Francis Poulenc: Sonata
Robert Sanders: Trio for Brass Instruments
Premieres (*) and 21st Century
Matt Barbier: gravlax for brass trio and tape*
Esin Gunduz: Texts of Wisdom for Brass Trio with tape or live voice (2015)*
David Loeb: Remembrances (2015)*
David Loeb: Madrigaletti (2016)*
David Loeb: Distant Carillons (2016)*
Clint Needham: Mobiles (2013)*
Robert Pound: The Stillness of Killing (2015)*
David Sampson Duncan: Trio
Norman Sherman: National Anthem of the Moon*
Jack Sutte: The Opener*
Jack Sutte: Meditation (2015)*
Boris Blacher: Divertimento for Trumpet, Trombone and Piano
Brendan Collins: Scuba Dance*
Esin Gunduz: Texts of Wisdom for Brass Trio with tape or live voice*
Werner Heider: Directions for Trumpet, Trombone and Piano
Hindemith/arr. Galloway: Ludus Tonalis
Jan Koetsier: Irisches Trio for Trumpet, Trombone and Piano
David Loeb: Remembrances for Trumpet, Horn, Trombone and Piano*
John Stevens: Triangles for Horn, Trombone and Tuba
Isang Yun: Quartett for Horn, Trumpet, Trombone and Piano
For a comprehensive bibliography of Brass trio music compiled by Richard Decker, please click here.